A selection of utility functions for the WhirlpoolRouter.


WhirlpoolRouter will be removed in the future release. Please use endpoint which provides qoutes.



  • Get the default options for generating trade routes.

    Returns RoutingOptions

    Default options for generating trade routes.


    WhirlpoolRouter will be removed in the future release. Please use endpoint which provides qoutes.

  • Calculate the price impact for a route.


    • trade: Trade

      The trade the user used to derive the route.

    • route: TradeRoute

      The route to calculate the price impact for.

    Returns Decimal

    A Decimal object representing the percentage value of the price impact (ex. 3.01%)


    WhirlpoolRouter will be removed in the future release. Please use endpoint which provides qoutes.

  • Get the tick arrays addresses that are touched by a route.


    • route: TradeRoute

      The route to get the tick arrays from.

    Returns PublicKey[]

    The tick arrays addresses that are touched by the route.


    WhirlpoolRouter will be removed in the future release. Please use endpoint which provides qoutes.

  • Selects the best executable route from a list of routes using the current execution environment. The wallet support type, available ATA accounts, existance of lookup tables all effect the transaction size and eligibility of a route.


    Returns Promise<null | ExecutableRoute>

    The best ExecutableRoute that can be used to execute a swap. If no executable route is found, null is returned.


    WhirlpoolRouter will be removed in the future release. Please use endpoint which provides qoutes.

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