• Opens a new position in a concentrated liquidity pool within a specific price range. This function allows you to provide liquidity for the specified range of prices and adjust liquidity parameters accordingly.

    Note: This function cannot be used with Splash Pools.


    • rpc: Rpc<
          GetAccountInfoApi & GetMultipleAccountsApi & GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionApi & GetEpochInfoApi,

      A Solana RPC client used to interact with the blockchain.

    • poolAddress: Address

      The address of the liquidity pool where the position will be opened.

    • param: IncreaseLiquidityQuoteParam

      The parameters for increasing liquidity, where you must choose one (liquidity, tokenA, or tokenB). The SDK will compute the other two.

    • lowerPrice: number

      The lower bound of the price range for the position.

    • upperPrice: number

      The upper bound of the price range for the position.

    • OptionalslippageToleranceBps: number = SLIPPAGE_TOLERANCE_BPS

      The slippage tolerance for adding liquidity, in basis points (BPS).

    • Optionalfunder: TransactionSigner = FUNDER

      The account funding the transaction.

    Returns Promise<OpenPositionInstructions>

    A promise that resolves to an object containing instructions, quote, position mint address, and initialization costs for increasing liquidity.

    import { openPositionInstructions, setWhirlpoolsConfig } from '@orca-so/whirlpools';
    import { generateKeyPairSigner, createSolanaRpc, devnet, address } from '@solana/web3.js';

    await setWhirlpoolsConfig('solanaDevnet');
    const devnetRpc = createSolanaRpc(devnet('https://api.devnet.solana.com'));
    const wallet = await generateKeyPairSigner(); // CAUTION: This wallet is not persistent.

    const whirlpoolAddress = address("POOL_ADDRESS");

    const param = { tokenA: 1_000_000n };
    const lowerPrice = 0.00005;
    const upperPrice = 0.00015;

    const { quote, instructions, initializationCost, positionMint } = await openPositionInstructions(