• Generates instructions to decrease liquidity from an existing position in an Orca Whirlpool.


    • rpc: Rpc<
          GetAccountInfoApi & GetMultipleAccountsApi & GetMinimumBalanceForRentExemptionApi & GetEpochInfoApi,

      A Solana RPC client for fetching necessary accounts and pool data.

    • positionMintAddress: Address

      The mint address of the NFT that represents ownership of the position from which liquidity will be removed.

    • param: DecreaseLiquidityQuoteParam

      Defines the liquidity removal method (liquidity, tokenA, or tokenB).

    • OptionalslippageToleranceBps: number = SLIPPAGE_TOLERANCE_BPS

      The acceptable slippage tolerance in basis points.

    • Optionalauthority: TransactionSigner = FUNDER

      The account authorizing the liquidity removal.

    Returns Promise<DecreaseLiquidityInstructions>

    A promise resolving to an object containing the decrease liquidity quote and instructions.

    import { decreaseLiquidityInstructions, setWhirlpoolsConfig } from '@orca-so/whirlpools';
    import { createSolanaRpc, devnet, address } from '@solana/web3.js';
    import { loadWallet } from './utils';

    await setWhirlpoolsConfig('solanaDevnet');
    const devnetRpc = createSolanaRpc(devnet('https://api.devnet.solana.com'));
    const wallet = await loadWallet();
    const positionMint = address("HqoV7Qv27REUtmd9UKSJGGmCRNx3531t33bDG1BUfo9K");
    const param = { tokenA: 10n };
    const { quote, instructions } = await decreaseLiquidityInstructions(

    console.log(`Quote token max B: ${quote.tokenEstB}`);