SwapInput: {
    amount: BN;
    amountSpecifiedIsInput: boolean;
    aToB: boolean;
    otherAmountThreshold: BN;
    sqrtPriceLimit: BN;
    supplementalTickArrays?: PublicKey[];
    tickArray0: PublicKey;
    tickArray1: PublicKey;
    tickArray2: PublicKey;

Parameters that describe the nature of a swap on a Whirlpool.

Type declaration

  • amount: BN
  • amountSpecifiedIsInput: boolean
  • aToB: boolean
  • otherAmountThreshold: BN
  • sqrtPriceLimit: BN
  • OptionalsupplementalTickArrays?: PublicKey[]
  • tickArray0: PublicKey
  • tickArray1: PublicKey
  • tickArray2: PublicKey

The direction of the swap. True if swapping from A to B. False if swapping from B to A.

Specifies the token the parameter amountrepresents. If true, the amount represents the input token of the swap.

The amount of input or output token to swap from (depending on amountSpecifiedIsInput).

The maximum/minimum of input/output token to swap into (depending on amountSpecifiedIsInput).

The maximum/minimum price the swap will swap to.

PublicKey of the tick-array where the Whirlpool's currentTickIndex resides in

The next tick-array in the swap direction. If the swap will not reach the next tick-aray, input the same array as tickArray0.

The next tick-array in the swap direction after tickArray2. If the swap will not reach the next tick-aray, input the same array as tickArray1.

(V2 only) Optional array of PublicKey for supplemental tick arrays. swap instruction will ignore this parameter.