Type Alias SetRewardEmissionsParams

SetRewardEmissionsParams: {
    emissionsPerSecondX64: BN;
    rewardAuthority: PublicKey;
    rewardIndex: number;
    rewardVaultKey: PublicKey;
    whirlpool: PublicKey;

Parameters to set rewards emissions for a reward in a Whirlpool

Type declaration

  • emissionsPerSecondX64: BN
  • rewardAuthority: PublicKey
  • rewardIndex: number
  • rewardVaultKey: PublicKey
  • whirlpool: PublicKey

PublicKey for the whirlpool which the reward resides in.

The reward index that we'd like to initialize. (0 <= index <= NUM_REWARDS).

PublicKey of the vault for this reward index.

Assigned authority by the reward_super_authority for the specified reward-index in this Whirlpool

The new emissions per second to set for this reward.