Type Alias RouteSelectOptions

RouteSelectOptions: {
    availableAtaAccounts?: AtaAccountInfo[];
    maxSupportedTransactionVersion: "legacy" | number;
    maxTransactionSize: number;
    onRouteEvaluation?: (
        route: Readonly<TradeRoute>,
        tx: TransactionBuilder,
    ) => void;

Parameters to configure the selection of the best route.

Type declaration

  • OptionalavailableAtaAccounts?: AtaAccountInfo[]
  • maxSupportedTransactionVersion: "legacy" | number
  • maxTransactionSize: number
  • OptionalonRouteEvaluation?: (route: Readonly<TradeRoute>, tx: TransactionBuilder) => void

The maximum transaction version that the wallet supports.

The maximum transaction size that the wallet supports.

A list of ATA accounts that are available in this wallet to use for the swap.

A callback that is called right before a route is evaluated. Users have a chance to add additional instructions to be added for an accurate txn size measurement. (ex. Adding a priority fee ix to the transaction)