Type Alias InitPoolParams

InitPoolParams: {
    feeTierKey: PublicKey;
    funder: PublicKey;
    initSqrtPrice: BN;
    tickSpacing: number;
    tokenMintA: PublicKey;
    tokenMintB: PublicKey;
    tokenVaultAKeypair: Keypair;
    tokenVaultBKeypair: Keypair;
    whirlpoolPda: PDA;
    whirlpoolsConfig: PublicKey;

Parameters to initialize a Whirlpool account.

The desired initial sqrt-price for this pool

The public key for the WhirlpoolsConfig this pool is initialized in

PDA for the whirlpool account that would be initialized

Mint public key for token A

Mint public key for token B

Keypair of the token A vault for this pool

Keypair of the token B vault for this pool

PublicKey of the fee-tier account that this pool would use for the fee-rate

The desired tick spacing for this pool.

The account that would fund the creation of this account