Type Alias IncreaseLiquidityV2Params

IncreaseLiquidityV2Params: {
    position: PublicKey;
    positionAuthority: PublicKey;
    positionTokenAccount: PublicKey;
    tickArrayLower: PublicKey;
    tickArrayUpper: PublicKey;
    tokenMintA: PublicKey;
    tokenMintB: PublicKey;
    tokenOwnerAccountA: PublicKey;
    tokenOwnerAccountB: PublicKey;
    tokenProgramA: PublicKey;
    tokenProgramB: PublicKey;
    tokenTransferHookAccountsA?: AccountMeta[];
    tokenTransferHookAccountsB?: AccountMeta[];
    tokenVaultA: PublicKey;
    tokenVaultB: PublicKey;
    whirlpool: PublicKey;
} & IncreaseLiquidityInput

Parameters to increase liquidity for a position.

The total amount of Liquidity the user is willing to deposit.

The maximum amount of token A to add to the position.

The maximum amount of token B to add to the position.

PublicKey for the whirlpool that the position will be opened for.

PublicKey for the position will be opened for.

PublicKey for the position token's associated token address.

authority that owns the token corresponding to this desired position.

PublicKey for the token A account that will be withdrawed from.

PublicKey for the token B account that will be withdrawed from.

PublicKey for the tokenA vault for this whirlpool.

PublicKey for the tokenB vault for this whirlpool.

Optional array of token transfer hook accounts for token A.

Optional array of token transfer hook accounts for token B.

PublicKey for the tick-array account that hosts the tick at the lower tick index.

PublicKey for the tick-array account that hosts the tick at the upper tick index.