Type Alias IncreaseLiquidityQuoteByLiquidityParam
IncreaseLiquidityQuoteByLiquidityParam: { liquidity: BN; slippageTolerance: Percentage; sqrtPrice: BN; tickCurrentIndex: number; tickLowerIndex: number; tickUpperIndex: number; tokenExtensionCtx: TokenExtensionContextForPool;} Type declaration
liquidity: BN
slippageTolerance: Percentage
sqrtPrice: BN
tickCurrentIndex: number
tickLowerIndex: number
tickUpperIndex: number
Param: liquidity
The amount of liquidity value to deposit into the Whirlpool.
Param: tokenMintA
The mint of tokenA in the Whirlpool the user is depositing into.
Param: tokenMintB
The mint of tokenB in the Whirlpool the user is depositing into.
Param: tickCurrentIndex
The Whirlpool's current tickIndex
Param: sqrtPrice
The Whirlpool's current sqrtPrice
Param: tickLowerIndex
The lower index of the position that we are withdrawing from.
Param: tickUpperIndex
The upper index of the position that we are withdrawing from.
Param: slippageTolerance
The maximum slippage allowed when calculating the minimum tokens received.