Type Alias CollectRewardParams

CollectRewardParams: {
    position: PublicKey;
    positionAuthority: PublicKey;
    positionTokenAccount: PublicKey;
    rewardIndex: number;
    rewardOwnerAccount: PublicKey;
    rewardVault: PublicKey;
    whirlpool: PublicKey;

Parameters to collect rewards from a reward index in a position.

Type declaration

  • position: PublicKey
  • positionAuthority: PublicKey
  • positionTokenAccount: PublicKey
  • rewardIndex: number
  • rewardOwnerAccount: PublicKey
  • rewardVault: PublicKey
  • whirlpool: PublicKey

PublicKey for the whirlpool that the position will be opened for.

PublicKey for the position will be opened for.

PublicKey for the position token's associated token address.

The reward index that we'd like to initialize. (0 <= index <= NUM_REWARDS).

PublicKey for the reward token account that the reward will deposit into.

PublicKey of the vault account that reward will be withdrawn from.

authority that owns the token corresponding to this desired position.