Type Alias CollectProtocolFeesParams

CollectProtocolFeesParams: {
    collectProtocolFeesAuthority: PublicKey;
    tokenOwnerAccountA: PublicKey;
    tokenOwnerAccountB: PublicKey;
    tokenVaultA: PublicKey;
    tokenVaultB: PublicKey;
    whirlpool: PublicKey;
    whirlpoolsConfig: PublicKey;

Parameters to collect protocol fees for a Whirlpool

Type declaration

  • collectProtocolFeesAuthority: PublicKey
  • tokenOwnerAccountA: PublicKey
  • tokenOwnerAccountB: PublicKey
  • tokenVaultA: PublicKey
  • tokenVaultB: PublicKey
  • whirlpool: PublicKey
  • whirlpoolsConfig: PublicKey

The public key for the WhirlpoolsConfig this pool is initialized in

PublicKey for the whirlpool that the position will be opened for.

PublicKey for the tokenA vault for this whirlpool.

PublicKey for the tokenB vault for this whirlpool.

PublicKey for the associated token account for tokenA in the collection wallet

PublicKey for the associated token account for tokenA in the collection wallet

assigned authority in the WhirlpoolsConfig that can collect protocol fees