fetchFetch the decimals to token mapping for the given mints.
The mints to fetch decimals for.
an WhirlpoolAccountFetchOptions object to define fetch and cache options when accessing on-chain accounts
A DecimalsMap of mint addresses to decimals.
fetchFetch pool data for the given mints by deriving the PDA from all combinations of mints & tick-arrays. Note that this method can be slow.
The mints to fetch pool data for.
The configuration for the price calculation.
an WhirlpoolAccountFetchOptions object to define fetch and cache options when accessing on-chain accounts
A PoolMap of pool addresses to pool data.
fetchFetch tick-array data for the given pools
The pools to fetch tick-array data for.
The configuration for the price calculation.
an WhirlpoolAccountFetchOptions object to define fetch and cache options when accessing on-chain accounts
A TickArrayMap of tick-array addresses to tick-array data.
A list of utility functions for the price module.
PriceModule will be removed in the future release. Please use endpoint which provides prices.