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Opening a Position

Positions in Whirlpools are tracked with a minted NFT in the user's wallet.

The usual action of opening a position consists of two instruction calls

  • initializeTickArray to initialize the tick arrays that would host your desired ticks for your position if they do not exist yet.
  • Whirlpool.openPosition or Whirlpool.openPositionWithMetadata to mint the position and define the tick range
  • increaseLiquidity to transfer tokens from your wallet into a position.

The Whirlpool.openPosition function now supports both traditional and Token2022-based position NFTs. To utilize Token2022, provide the Token2022 ProgramId as the tokenProgramId parameter when calling openPosition. This will mint the NFT using Token2022, which leverages the MetadataPointer and TokenMetadata extensions, eliminating the need for Metaplex metadata accounts.

Opening Position with Metadata

By using Whirlpool.openPositionWithMetadata, users have the option of appending Metaplex metadata onto the Token Program position NFT. Doing so will allow the token to be identifiable in tracking websites or wallets as a Whirlpool NFT. The drawback is it will require more compute-budget and will incurr Metaplex fees of 0.01 SOL.

Initialize Tick Array accounts if needed

For liquidity to exist in the Whirlpool, the tick-array that contains that particular tick must be initialized. Calculate the start_index of the required tick array and use the initialize_tick_array instruction to initialize it.

More often than not, tick-arrays are already created. But if you want your code to be defensive, you should do a check prior to invoking open_position. To understand more on how Tick-Arrays work in Whirlpools, read here.

const tickArrayPda = PDAUtil.getTickArray(

// Check if tick array exists
const fetcher = new AccountFetcher(...);
const ta = await fetcher.getTickArray(tickArrayPda.publicKey, true);
// Exit if it exists
if (!!ta) {

// Construct Init Tick Array Ix
const tx = toTx(ctx, WhirlpoolIx.initTickArrayIx(this.ctx.program, {
whirlpool: this.address,
funder: !!funder ? AddressUtil.toPubKey(funder) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey,
await tx.buildAndExecute();

Open Position with WhirlpoolClient

WhirlpoolClient's openPosition method bundles the open and increase liquidity instructions into a single transaction for you. Below is a code sample to create a position for the SOL/USDC pool at the price between 9898 - 150, with the intention to deposit 50 SOL into the position.

// Derive the Whirlpool address
const poolAddress = PDAUtil.getWhirlpool(

// Load everything that you need
const client = buildWhirlpoolClient(context, fetcher);
const pool = await client.getPool(poolAddress.publicKey);
const poolData = pool.getData();
const poolTokenAInfo = pool.getTokenAInfo();
const poolTokenBInfo = pool.getTokenBInfo();

// Derive the tick-indices based on a human-readable price
const tokenADecimal = poolTokenAInfo.decimals;
const tokenBDecimal = poolTokenBInfo.decimals;
const tickLower = TickUtil.getInitializableTickIndex(
PriceMath.priceToTickIndex(new Decimal(98), tokenADecimal, tokenBDecimal),
const tickUpper = TickUtil.getInitializableTickIndex(
PriceMath.priceToTickIndex(new Decimal(150), tokenADecimal, tokenBDecimal),

// Get a quote on the estimated liquidity and tokenIn (50 tokenA)
const quote = increaseLiquidityQuoteByInputToken(,
new Decimal(50),
Percentage.fromFraction(1, 100),

// Evaluate the quote if you need
const {tokenMaxA, tokenMaxB} = quote

// Construct the open position & increase_liquidity ix and execute the transaction.
const { positionMint, tx } = await pool.openPosition(
const txId = await tx.buildAndExecute();

// Fetch the newly created position with liquidity
const position = await client.getPosition(
PDAUtil.getPosition(WHIRLPOOL_PROGRAM_ID, positionMint).publicKey

The Manual way

Follow the instructions below if you would like to have more control over your instruction building process. Note that open_position does not add liquidity to a position. Follow the next article "Modify Liquidity" to add liquidity.

Determine position parameters

To open a position against a Whirlpool, you must first define certain parameters of your position to invoke the open_position instruction.

  • WhirlpoolKey - The public key for the Whirlpool that the position will host liquidity in.
  • tickLowerIndex, tickUpperIndex - The tick index bounds for the position. Must be an initializable index.
  • positionMintAddress - A generated empty Keypair that will be initialized to a token mint.
  • positionPda - Derived address of the position account via getPositionPda
  • positionTokenAccountAddress - This is the account that will hold the minted position token. It is the associated token address of the position-mint.
    const positionMintKeypair = Keypair.generate();
const positionPda = getPositionPda(programId, positionMintKeypair.publicKey);
const metadataPda = getPositionMetadataPda(positionMintKeypair.publicKey);
const positionTokenAccountAddress = await deriveATA(

const positionIx = toTx(ctx, WhirlpoolIx.openPositionWithMetadataIx(ctx.program, {
funder: provider.wallet.publicKey,
ownerKey: provider.wallet.publicKey,
positionMintAddress: positionMintKeypair.publicKey,
whirlpoolKey: toPubKey(poolAddress),

Once your position is open, proceed to the next section to add liquidity.

Common Errors

  • InvalidTickIndex (0x177a)
    • tickLowerIndex is higher than upper tickUpperIndex
    • Some tick indices is not an initializable index (not a multiple of tickSpacing). Use TickUtil.getInitializableTickIndex to get the closest initializable tick to your index.
    • Some tick indices is out of bounds
  • NotRentExempt (0x0)
    • Usually, the TickArray that houses your tickLowerIndex or tickUpperIndex has not been initialized. Use the WhirlpoolClient.initTickArrayForTicks or WhirlpoolIx.initTickArrayIx to initialize the array at the derived startTickIndex.
    • Alternatively, if this failure is from init_tick_array, the tick array has already been initialized.